Divorce might signal the end of a romantic relationship. However, if you have a child together, your relationship with the other parent is never quite over. If you have a child together at the time of dissolving your marriage, you will need to figure out the child’s...
Chicago Divorce And Family Law Blog
Is your ex alienating you from your child?
When the marriage is no longer tenable and both parties agree to divorce, one of the subjects the court will handle with utmost seriousness is the children’s post-divorce living arrangements. Most often, the court will prefer an arrangement where a co-parenting plan...
What is the dissipation of assets in an Illinois divorce?
Illinois is an equitable distribution state. This means that the marital estate is divided in a just and fair manner based on several factors. One of these factors is the dissipation of marital assets by a spouse. However, most people are unaware of what it means or...
Will being charged with a crime affect my custody rights?
The primary goal of the family court during a child custody case is acting in the best interests of the most vulnerable parties – the kids. While ruling on the child’s custody and living arrangement, the court will consider pretty much every aspect of the family...
3 things every Illinois parenting plan should discuss
The parenting plan is the backbone of your parenting relationship with your ex. It needs to be clear and concise so everyone knows exactly what to expect. There are a few points that all parents need to think about if they’re working out the parenting plan. Ideally,...
How to discuss a child custody arrangement
After a divorce, you and your ex-spouse will need to discuss the importance of a child custody order. Without it, your child wouldn’t have a schedule that allows them to see both of their parents – which most courts see as an important factor in a child’s well-being...
Will you lose child custody if you fail to pay child support?
Parents in a divorce do many things that can make them lose custody or affect their right to make decisions regarding their children. So, if you are in a situation where you cannot afford to pay child support, you may be concerned that the other parent will be granted...
After divorce, can your child choose which parent to live with?
When the court is deciding where the child will live and with which parent, it considers the child’s best interests. There are many factors that the court will look at when determining the best interests of a child. A child's preference for one parent over the other...
Do you believe your spouse is trying to hide cryptocurrency?
As you journey through your divorce, you will learn many lessons. One you would do well to learn early on is that it can bring out the worst in people. Whether from a place of hurt, vengeance or greed, some spouses try to hide their assets in the property division...
When do you need a good-faith reason to move after divorce?
Married couples can move as they please, as can single individuals. It is when two people are divorced that this can sometimes become complicated. After all, if that couple had children, one of the major parts of the divorce is just dividing up custody of the kids....